A train to the beach

As you might have guessed from the former post, travelling through India is not only a vacation. This is why we’re happy to hang out at Varkala beach for a few days. Before getting here we passed through Trivandrum, not finding a hotel room. Going from Kanyakumari, the southern tip of India where the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean meet, to Trivandrum we had our first train experience, and it was … special. We knew that there are seven different classes, but could not make a reservation and just got on with a second class ticket. We were very lucky to get on the train at its departure station and found comfortable seating. But at every single stop, the crowd on the train at least doubled. So when we had arrived at our stop after two hours, people were fighting, pushing and shoving so hard to get on the train, that we barely got off – but we made it.

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